This week we will continue our work with ELO 8 the feature article of your chosen career. We will also continue reading and analyzing feature articles to incorporate into your ELO 8 final copy.
Monday 5/13
Hand-in on loose leaf the design of your feature article. You do not need to include your actual essay just a plan of what will be included.Design what your ELO 8 feature article will look like as a final copy. Include headlines, subtitles, photo with captions and/or graphs of statistics that may help engage your reader.
Tuesday 5/14
Final copy of Book review for independent reading projectWednesday 5/15
Works Cited Page Rough DraftThursday 5/16
ELO 8 due FridayFriday 5/17
Now that you are a bullying expert, design a colorful and meaningful poster that contains the following:1. A slogan that would motivate someone to change their behavior and speak up to the injustice.
2. Advice on what to do if you see someone getting bullied or are being bullied yourself
3. One fact from your research that proves your point that bullying is a problem that needs to be stopped.
**Feel free to use anything from your research to help you make your poster.
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