ELA is more than just a state test. English Language Arts helps you develop the communication skills (writing, reading, speaking) that you will need next year, high school, college and your future career. If I stopped challenging you now, I will would be failing you as your English teacher. Furthermore, if you stop learning now you might be at risk failing the final and most important marking period.
Which brings me to why this final marking period is so important: ELO 8, ELO 1-7 revisions, and the final exam.
As many of your know, Mr. Gates and the English teachers have stressed with importance of completing all ELOs this year. In addition:
Principal Gates is requiring all students to receive an 80% mastery grade on ELO 1-8 this year. If a student doesn't receive an 80% or higher they will go to summer school until they complete them.
Therefore, that is what we will be working on this marking period to give students a chance to revise and complete the ELO projects. Once a student recieves a 80% or higher that grade will be put into Jupiter grades again. Students who already received an 80% or higher will not have to do it again, however, their final grade will be put into this marking period again.
Below is a break down of how our following weeks will go regarding the ELOs. This is subject to change. Our final exam date has not yet been determined. We will also have independent reading projects due.
May 6th-10th
Start ELO 8May 13-17th
ELO 1 and 2 revisions*Book Project and Book Review #6 Due
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